
Nicola Melinelli, Rovesci sparsi

26.11.2016 > 7.2.2017

In his second solo show titled Rovesci Sparsi Nicola Melinelli’s painting becomes carnal and wildIn this new paintings the five works establishes a bolder and more unscrupulous contact with what is visible. An  extreme “collage” that is aesthetically subsided. The sublime is displayed in the drive to destroy the square and rigid forms in favor of softer and amorphous elements. Nicola Melinelli opposes to a most abstract aspect of plastic nakedness and of form, composition and color a narrative and naturalist dimension. Distant and discordant elements are together, united on the surface of the canvas: everything is there, simultaneously present, finding an agreement and a form of friendship that gives rise to a new type of plastic expression. Painting is more free, the brushstrokes vibrate, the color fades and peels off to become a cloud of steam … The Artist expresses a joyous freedom in doing, he plays in the space of the same picture with different images, various styles and pictorial motifs. When he paints water, he knows that the semiotic level should summon another attitude: the drop is a quick tap, not a solid surface; in this way the stroke changes itself and it is expressed through a more rapid and soft sign. Colors get dirty and scrub the canvas, the tones have no longer that pure and rigid limit of previous works; the pictorial material becomes more active, it seems that there’s something boiling ready to evaporate. The canvas surface becomes the place where imagination tries to seep through and to join in reality folds. From the text by Simona Squadrito

Nicola Melinelli, Perugia, 1988. Lives and works in Bologna. 2016: The Hawt Show. Group show. Project organized by Rolando Anselmi, Colle Meloni, Frosinone. (IT) Bazzar – Group show. Project by Preliminary Group curated by Giovanni Copelli and Costanza Candeloro, LOCALEDUE, Bologna. (IT) Che cosa sono gli oggetti – Group show. Project by Preliminary Group curated by Giovanni Copelli, Centro Tian Qi, Milano. (IT) Artefiera 40 Storia di una collezione – Group show. Curated By Giorgio Verzotti and Claudio Spadoni. Mambo Museum, Bologna. (IT). 2015 My Blueberry Night – Group show. Curated by Antonio Grulli. Club GAMeC – Residenza Casarotto, Albegno. Bergamo (IT) One minute of truth – Group show. A+B contemporary art. Brescia (IT). 2014 Cascate d’acqua. Solo show. Text by Dario Giovanni Alì. CAR DRDE. Bologna (IT). 2014: Hosting INTERNO4 Bologna#2. Group show. Project with INTERNO4. Curated by host. Bologna (IT). QUADRATO. Group show. Project with INTERNO4. VID, Bologna (IT). ACTINIARIA. Solo show. A+B contemporary art. Brescia (IT).